Logistics and warehousing
"Trading house" Agrokholod - logistics and warehousing
is the exclusive representative of the "AGRODAR-UKRAINE PLUS" group of companies. The trading house sells frozen fruits and vegetables under the "Green Card" trade mark, which is sold across Ukraine through the retail chains ("Metro", "Silpo", "ATB", "Auchan"), as well as in retail stores in the country.

The productline ofTM "Green Card"
includes vegetable and fruit mixes: "Imperial", "Mexican No.1", "Mosaic", "Spring", "Lobio with mushrooms", "Vegetable Bouquet", "Fruity", as well as single-product positions "Green peas", "Broccoli", "Green beans".
Sales for the 2014-2015 season in physical terms totalled about 4 million kg, in money terms - about UAH 82.5 million.
Starting the 2015-2016 season, the LLC Trading House "Agrokholod - Logistics and Warehousing" signs new contracts with retail chains and producers of frozen fruits and vegetables under their own trademarks ("Azhur", "Rud", "Limo"). In view of the company's performance and sales for the last season, our range of products has been improved according to consumer demand.
Sales for the season 2014-2015
4 mln. kg
In physical terms
Planned sales for the new season
7 mln. kg
In physical terms
At the same time, we have signed contracts for manufacture of products for the retailers under their own trademarks: "Furshet" - TM "Furshet", "Silpo" - TM "Premiya", TM "Povna Chasha", TM "Extra"; "ATB" - TM "Svoya Liniya"; "VARUS" - TM "VARTA", as well as for other companies, such as "Snizhne Siayvo", LLC "Vova HoReCa", "Invest-B", and others. In addition, the Trading House "Agrokholod - Logistics and Warehousing" carries out wholesale of raw materials to Ukrainian canneries ("Corado Canning Incorporated") and co-operates in the sphere of pre-packaging, provides raw materials to other manufacturers of frozen vegetables ("Rud" - TM "Khutorok"), and also carries out export of products.
Sales for the 2014-2015 season in money terms:
UAH 82.5 mil.
Expected sales
UAH 140 mil.
Trade mark"Green Card"
So, the Company's products, combining the excellent taste and affordable price, are absolutely in line with the rhythm and demands of modern life. Trade mark «Green Card» is a real green card, which embodies the freedom to choose a genuine product, thus setting the easy-to-follow rules of healthy nutrition, being beautiful and having good spirits. Expected wholesale and retail volumes for the new season are 7 million kg and UAH 140 million.
The reason why IFS (International Featured Standards) were developed is the desire to create a unified assessment system for all food suppliers, with the unified requirements and audit procedures and mutual recognition of audits in order to ensure high degree of transparency throughout the entire food chain (food processing and movement - from producers to consumers).

In 2016, the Company is planning to enter the European market, so we are preparing for the international certification according to the IFS Food ver. 6. Despite the fact that today the IFS certification is not mandatory in Ukraine (only a few companies have such Certificates), the retail chains, who strive for the safety of their products and compete for the customer's attention, cannot ignore the rules followed by the whole world.
In 2002, the Association of Members of the German Retail Federation - Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhanddels (HDE) - and their French counterparts - Federation of retail and distribution companies - Federation des enterprises du Commerce et de la distribution (FCD) developed a standard for the safety and quality of food products sold through retail chains under the brand names. This standard was called IFS Food, and it was referred as the GFSI Guidance Document and recognized by the GFSI - Global Food Safety Initiative.
Besides, LLC "TD" Agrokholod - logistics and warehouse
concludes the export contracts for the sale of grain crops. The Company is working actively on promoting their own trademark and, in addition to frozen vegetables, fruits and berries, is expanding its product range and promotes sales of pumpkin seeds, as well as pumpkin seed, flax, milk thistle oils and others. We also plan to make contracts for the manufacture of frozen ready-to-cook products (pierogi and pelmeni) for stores and HoReCa chains in Germany.